Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Update: Vaccines as a tool in the post-antibiotic era

Embedded image permalinkAfter posting the piece on vaccines yesterday, a new study by BA Diep et al was brought to my attention in which the surface proteome of a prevalent strain of MRSA was determined. Work such as this is important for identifying potential antigen combinations that could be included in future multicomponent Staphylococcus aureus vaccines.

Moreover, today the WHO published a report on antimicrobial resistance. It notes, inter alia, that
Greater emphasis should be placed on prevention, including strengthening hygiene and infection prevention and control measures, improving sanitation and access to clean water, and exploring a more widespread use of vaccines. Although preventive vaccines have become available for several bacterial infections, their application is still limited.
It's clear that a multifaceted approach is needed to deal with the antimicrobial resistance problem. The WHO study, and related commentary, helps to frame and build awareness of the issue. New vaccines could help.

(image source: WHO)

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