Sunday, February 1, 2015

Your belief does not trump his right to recover

Infographic: Protect your child from measles. Measles is still common in many parts of the world. Unvaccinated travelers who get measles in other countries continue to bring the disease into the United States. Give your child the best protection against measles with two doses of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine: 1st dose at 12-15 months, 2nd dose at 4-6 years. Traveling abroad with your child? Infants 6-11 months old need 1 dose of measles vaccine before traveling abroad. Children 12 months and older should receive 2 doses before travel. Check with your pediatrician before leaving on your trip to make sure your children are protected.One story connected to the California measles episode in particular speaks to me. It concerns a dad speaking out, in defense of his son's fragile health, against the decisions of many not to vaccinate their children. The man's son is recovering from leukemia and cannot yet be vaccinated against measles. He is justifiably concerned about unvaccinated classmates posing a potentially mortal infection risk to his son and has requested that such children be barred from school.

The question of why some don't vaccinate their children (or themselves) is complex and multifaceted, but it seems to have one thing in common with other major public health issues of recent times: the idea that "it's my right to". In addition to it's my right to not vaccinate my children, we often hear that it's my right to possess assault rifles and it's my right to have raw milk on the market.

Should these be individual rights? From a public health perspective I would argue no, and point out that there's another fundamental question to be answered: Do we want to live in a society where someone's "rights" endanger the health and wellbeing of others? We've answered that question before for other major public health issues: there are mandatory seat belt laws in many states; it's not legal to drive under the influence of alcohol; and it's not legal to smoke in public areas in many parts of the nation. Such laws attempt to limit the ability of an individual to place others at risk. The dad in California has the right -- in fact, the obligation -- to protect his son's health and wellbeing. Could enacting legislation mandating vaccination except in specific medical circumstances be a solution?

I resonated with the man's concern for his son partially because cancer has touched the lives of close friends of mine. Those at risk from infection due to therapy-related immunocompromise and chronic disease are thought to number in the millions in the US. They have rights and deserve to be protected. Legislation on this issue, if possible, won't happen quickly. Pragmatically, I think we need to understand why some people believe that vaccines are dangerous when there's no evidence to support that claim and much evidence demonstrating that measles -- and other vaccine-preventable preventable diseases -- are lethally dangerous. Why are the likes of Jenny McCarthy more credible to some than the US Institute of Medicine? Understanding such issues may provide a basis for a conversation and, ultimately, change.

(image source: CDC)

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